Thursday, April 26, 2007

Name that Batchelor

Martin comes to visit the studio and the light is just right . . now on to the Art Opening . . .

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

kathryn Ellis . . Sculptor comes to visit

A delightful afternoon with Kathryn . . . I continued with my obsessive zig zag floor painting for part of our visit . . take a look at some of Kathryn's Stone Sculpture

Onward into the adventure of another day.
The last of the "Distorts" has made it's way into the world.

Now onto the piece formerly known as Neptune . . .

Friday, April 13, 2007

The wall count is at 90 . . out of 100 small works . . the Distorts Series . . It has taken years . . but the closure of this works is at hand . . . by next week I hope to have all 100 complete and work on the other pieces for the May showing " Pacific Disturbance" in Courtenay. Check out the Gallery Site:

Comox Valley Art Gallery

Visitations to Studio "J" and Another day in Paradise . .

The walk home ..through downtown Victoria . .the light just had me do a touristo shot . . .

Old friend Jeremy dropped by the studio ...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Island Institute Web Gallery

Regeneration . . check out the web gallery show curated by Arlene Nesbitt.

Corking Corkie

Just another day in Paradise . . where the Corking spool is in full swing . . .
( Wiki says: Spool knitting or Corking is a form of knitting, where a hollow piece of wood is used with four nails on top of it. The thread is spun around the nails and worked through down the hole in the wood, resulting in a strand.)

Room of All Sorts . . . latest addition

It keeps changing in here . . Zenobia Salik photo added yesterday . . Mailarta has been in touch and was sent an image .. she is an amazing singer . . hear more of her at:

Theo Nelson, Calgary, AB, CANADA

Check out: Whimsy and Colour
I just love getting mail from Theo . . . such delightful imagery and colour.

Neptune Dave

I've asked myself do I need to have another place for my energies to be diverted . . and I said YES!~

So here I am with the misc ramblings and artful diversions of this artist's journey.

A sketch of the new sculpture "Neptune" at the moment still a ways from completion but headed in the right direction.

Parade of Animals- for Gail D Whitter