Greetings from Studio J ArtSpace
I have been moving forward with ideas of creating larger crochet works as the completion of the "Distorts" series . . after 8 years of shoebox sized works for that installation (a total of 333 crocheted sculptures) I felt inspired to expand. The above image in a piece I've been working on for a number of months . . ( 5' x 5' - still a long way to go) . . but I am seeing the result I am am looking for.
—The art works have returned from the exhibition launch of the "Woven Tale Press: Selected Works 2015" Book at the Open Spaces Gallery in Putnam, Connecticut
Thanks to Sandra Tyler and Paul Toussaint for their work to see this successful project through
—Needle felting has continued to inspire me and now I test myself with a 4' x 4' portrait work.
stay tuned as they progress . .
—Writer Yvonne Owens has just republished the first writing she did on my work "Threaded Chronicles" you can see it here at:
Ideas for new assemblage works are forming and materials being gathered and sorted . .
if you feel compelled to drop by the studio give me a call or email: